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01 Lesson 01 Excuse me!對不起!.mp4

02 Lesson 01 跟讀.mp4

03 Lesson 03 Sorry,sir. 對不起,先生。.mp4

04 Lesson 03 跟讀.mp4

05 Lesson 05 Nice to meet you. 很高興見到你。.mp4

06 Lesson 05 跟讀.mp4

07 Lesson 07 Are you a teacher?你是教師嗎?.mp4

08 Lesson 07 跟讀.mp4

09 Lesson 09 How are you today?你今天好嗎?.mp4

10 Lesson 09 跟讀.mp4

11 Lesson 11 Is this your shirt?這是你的襯衫嗎?.mp4

12 Lesson 11 跟讀.mp4

13 Lesson 13 A new dress 一件新連衣裙.mp4

14 Lesson 13 跟讀.mp4

15 Lesson 15 Your passports,please. 請出示你們的護照。.mp4

16 Lesson 15 跟讀.mp4

17 Lesson 17 How do you do?你好!.mp4

18 Lesson 17 跟讀.mp4

19 Lesson 19 Tired and thirsty 又累又渴.mp4

20 Lesson 19 跟讀.mp4

21 Lesson 21 Which book?哪一本書?.mp4

22 Lesson 21 跟讀.mp4

23 Lesson 23 Which glasses?哪幾只杯子?.mp4

24 Lesson 23 跟讀.mp4

25 Lesson 25 Mrs.Smith’s kitchen 史密斯太太的廚房.mp4

26 Lesson 25 跟讀.mp4

27 Lesson 27 Mrs.Smith’s living room 史密斯太太的客廳.mp4

28 Lesson 27 跟讀.mp4

29 Lesson 29 Come in,Amy. 進來,艾米。.mp4

30 Lesson 29 跟讀.mp4

31 Lesson 31 Where’s Sally?薩莉在哪里?.mp4

32 Lesson 31 跟讀.mp4



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